Early retirement diary: An early retirement blog

My name is Aaron and early retirement is something on my mind since 3 years ago. In 2012, I am 34 years old and I decided to actually retire by 40. This is my journal on how I am going to achieve that.

The challenge I am facing is my wife’s unwillingness to settle for frugal living, which is how many early retirement blogs achieved their results. This creates an interesting problem and one that I need to find a solution to. I hope what I have learned from this journey will benefit you if you faced the same early retirement situation as me.

Most of my friends had no concept of early retirement and had plans to work until they reached 60. Those who have thought about it did nothing to step closer to their dreams. I guess this is part of the Singapore culture that we grew up with. We were taught to be good managers and engineers. We were not taught to be creative and to pursue what we really want with a vengeance.

If you are new here, I welcome you to get to know me better by reading the ‘about retire by 40‘ page. You will get to know what kind of person I am and why this blog deserves your attention.

You can also start by knowing my early retirement plan and how I intend to achieve it by creating multiple income streams. I firmly believed that relying on the income from your day job for early retirement is not going to be enough.

Finally, if you are interested to know how you can have a early retirement, at least in Singapore, here is a budget that I did to calculate how much I need to retire early. You can look at the numbers and see if it is something that is achievable by you!

I really hope you enjoy your stay here. More importantly, I hope this blog will inspire you to retire early and do something that you are really passionate about.

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