Comic Book Speculation #13: Kate Bishop Love Interest

Welcome to another Comic Sunday Speculation article. In this series, I speculate on picks that are quite out there or will require a long time to materialize. However, this also challenges me to think in completely different angles, which can yield interesting results.

In this article, I am looking at Kate Bishop’s love interest. Why? Because most movies or TV shows require one for the main character. Since we all know that Kate Bishop is coming to Disney+, it is inevitable that her love interest will show up.

The interesting thing about Kate Bishop’s love interest candidates is that they are all super powered. This makes them more investable as most non superpowered charaters do not do well in the secondary market.

For Kate Bishop, there are 2 candidates to choose from if you have read all her series from start to finish. I will start with her ex-boyfriend.

Marvel Boy #1

Date of Publication: 2000
Sale number: 47,800

Key strengths of this book
1. First appearance of Noh-Varr, Marvel Boy

2. First appearance of Exterminatrix


I first mentioned Marvel Boy #1 in my post that speculated on comics that are related to Captain Marvel #2 movie. In that post, this book was recommended as part of possible Kree characters who could appear in Captain Marvel #2.

Another interesting way Marvel Boy could show up in the MCU is from his relationship with Kate Bishop. In Young Avengers Vol #2, Marvel Boy and Kate had a one night stand, which developed into a relationship. Unfortunately, that relationship did not last.

However, that did not stop Marvel Boy from showing up in West Coast Avengers, which a series that starred Kate Bishop.

The prices for this book is currently all over the place. In auctions, it can be lower than $5 while Buy-It-Now can be for $20. If you want to get one, wait for an auction listing.

On a side note, I have been waiting for a newsstand copy to show up but has no luck no far. If you have any for sale, please let me know.

Finally, there is a Dynamic Force variant that goes for a bit more money. I wouldn’t spend that kind of money so stick with the regular cover.

Hawkeye Vol 5, #2

Date of Publication: 2017
Sale number: 27,049

Key strengths of this book
1. First appearance of Johnny Watts

2. First full appearance of T.B.C. (A secret evil organization)


This book features the first appearance of Kate Bishop’s current boyfriend, Johnny Watts. In this series, this character isn’t too interesting as he was mostly a human. However, something happened to him which powered him in #16 of the same series.

Due to him gaining superpowers, he came part of the West Coast Avengers team and took the name of Fuse.

Since his introduction in 2017, Fuse has made 28 appearances. This work out to be around 9 appearances per year, which is pretty good for a new character. In addition, this book only has a sales number below 30k.

Putting these numbers into the PSM framework will mean his first appearance is a borderline case between Gem and Lottery Ticket. If Fuse continues to make more appearances, then it will carry him to the former category.

And we all know what kind of prices Gem books can reach right?

As for the book’s current price, this is still a cover price book so it is very affordable.

There is 1:25 incentive ratio that is harder to find, given that the initial sales number is low. Here is a link to an ebay seller who has multiple copies of this variant:


Kate Bishop is gearing up to be a major player in the MCU. Expect more of her books to become wanted keys. Hopefully, these issues will be part of her must have books.

Have a great Sunday!

8 thoughts on “Comic Book Speculation #13: Kate Bishop Love Interest

  1. Are you sure Johnny is in Hawkeye 12? He’s not listed on the wiki as appearing in that book. I don’t own it so I can’t check.

  2. Thanks for an interesting article. It is indeed out there, but I will keep it in mind.

    Another question about Kate Bishop. You know that Hawkeye 11 2nd print (2012) has been selling very well.

    A while ago you wrote about “the one” comic cover for female characters. Think X-23 1 Dell’Otto variant (2010).

    Could be useful to think of Hawkeye 11 2nd print as maybe becoming “the one” for her? Or would it still be better for now to asssume it is a “flavor of the season” variant?

      1. My apologies, my question indeed concerned Hawkeye 9, 2nd print. The stylistic drawing of Kate Bishop.

        I see on Ebay that the number of sales has slowed down precipitously. So it could just have been a flavor of the week. On the other, Kate Bishop has been hot for a long time and will remain so likely.

        Would it be useful to think of this one as a potential “the one”? Or is it simply way too early to say that?

        PS The Pizza dog 2nd print, Hawkeye 11, is also showing some movement, but it does not come near Hawkeye 9. If I can pick one up for cover or less I would do so. But that’s it.

        1. Usually, the ‘one’ variant theory is relevant to actual variants instead of 2nd prints, unless the 2nd print is a new cover.
          So far, I have not seen any 2nd print become the ‘one’ yet.

          There are some competition from the Hawkeye Vol 5 series as it does have variants that have small print runs

  3. Hi Aaron, my bad, I meant Hawkeye 9, 2nd print, the one with Kate Bishop.

    Would it be useful to think of that one as a potential “the one”? Or is it simply way to early to say that?

    PS Hawkeye 11 2nd print is showing some movement as well, but not nearly as much as Hawkeye 9 2nd print.

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