Comic Book Speculation #9 -Pixie First Appearance

In this week’s Comic Speculation Sunday, I am going to talk about Pixie and her confusing first appearance.

Pixie (Megan Gwynn) is one the modern day X-Men who has make plenty of comic appearances since her introduction.

According to the PSM model, she would considered a slower burner as she has a high comic appearance ratio 17 (on average, she made 17 appearance per year) but also a high print run.

New X-Men Vol 5, #7

Date of Publication: 2004
Sale number: 48,523

Key strengths of this book
1. First appearance of Pixie (Cameo?)


However, there are some confusion on which issue is her true first appearance. In wiki, it is written that New X-Men Vol 2, #5 is her first appearance. Unfortunately, that appearance is pretty weak.

Below is the panel in which Pixie appeared.

Can you even see where Pixie is?

She is so small in the image that it is almost a game of Where’s Wally looking for her. Eventually, I found her (or someone who can possibly be her) in the right hand side of the page. She is the character sitting down with wings on her back.

In this issue, not only is her appearance a very minor one, we also do not know her name and she also has no spoken words.

I would consider such an appearance to be a cameo appearance.

After this book, Pixie next appeared in New X-Men Vol 2, #7 (according to wikia)

New X-Men Vol 2, #7

Date of Publication: 2004
Sale number: 43,026

Key strengths of this book
1. 2nd appearance of Pixie (cameo?)


I read the book at least 3 times and couldn’t find any concrete appearance of Pixie. I search through every panel, especially those with many students to try and find a reasonable drawing that might be Pixie but came up with nothing.

In the end, I had to settle for the first page whereby there is a character with wings. Although he or she looks nothing like Pixie, at least he or she have wings.

You can see the character below and judge for yourself.

After coming up with 2 very weak appearances, I continue my search for Pixie’s third appearance in New X-Men Vol 2, #12.

New X-Men Vol 2, #12

Date of Publication: 2005
Sale number: 35,733

Key strengths of this book
1. Full appearance of Pixie?


In this book, I finally found some resemblance to a proper appearance.

Below is the panel where Pixie is not only named but actually speaks. She also appeared in more than one panel and can be easily identified.

Due to the above, I would considered New Mutants Vol 2, #12 to be Pixie first full appearance.

Another plus point of this book is the lower print run. Compared to issue 5, issue 12 has 12k less copies, which can definitely help in terms of hiking the price up if Pixie gets hot.

Interestingly, if New Mutants Vol 2, #12 becomes the market’s choice as Pixie first appearance, this book will be considered a Gem book because the print run is now in the 30k+ region, which is similar to NYX #3.


While I tried to present objective evidence of Pixie’s first appearance, the market doesn’t always agree with me. For example, nobody has agreed with me on the important of Young Avengers #2 as Cassie Lang’s first appearance as an adult and manifest her superpowers.

In this case, since all three books mentioned above are not speculated on yet, the market might choose the one that I described above.

Regardless of which book you want to speculate on for Pixie’s first appearance, remember to look for the newsstand version.

What would be your choice?

One thought on “Comic Book Speculation #9 -Pixie First Appearance

  1. Based off the evidence you proved, Aaron, I’d have to agree with you and say that door #3 is the book to get.

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