Comic Book Speculation Chat Summary #10: Undervalued TMNT Key Comics

The chat summary makes a comeback this week as I finally read something that I would want to cover in depth. In particular, the suggestions on undervalued Teenage Mutant Ninja comics was very useful and worth recording for everyone to ponder over.

Before going into the picks, do know that the TMNT major keys have been on a strong rising trend. Dabears, one of our faithful member, has been reporting on record breaking sales for the original TMNT #2, #3 and even the 4th printing of TMNT #1.

If this trend continues, do expect other TMNT books to rise eventually, which explained why highlighting the chat TMNT picks is going to yield good profits for everyone in the community.

Chat picks

In the chats, these 2 issues were talked about as being undervalued.

Tales of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4

Date of Publication: 1988
Sale number: No Information

Key strengths of this book
1. First appearance of Rat King


The Rat King is a frequently recurring character in the TMNT comics. He has appeared in almost all the TMNT series, including the Mirage, Archie Comics and IDW.

Rat King has also appeared in games and cartoons but he has not made any movie appearances. That might represent a potential upside that is yet to be fully realised.

Currently, this book can be yet for around $20-$30 in raw condition. CGC 9.6 usually will be around $100+ range.

Tales of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #6

Date of Publication: 1988
Sale number: No Information

Key strengths of this book
1. First appearance of Leatherhead


Leatherhead shared similar characteristic as Rat King. He also frequently appeared in the TMNT comics, games and cartoons. However, no movie adaption of this character has happened yet.

In term of prices, Tales of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #6 is more pricey than #4. Raw copies are reaching $50 with no CGC listings on Ebay.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW) #45B

Date of Publication: 2015
Sale number: 20,158

Key strengths of this book
1. Cool cover by Kevin Eastman


Given that Casey Jones’s first appearance is so hot right now, his covers might start to appreciate. This is where this pick comes from.

It is B cover of Casey Jone but done by Kevin Eastman, thus giving this book the original turtles series feel. Beyond the cover appeal, there is no first appearance in this book.

Print run of this book is around 20k. However, there are 2 regular covers including this one so print run might be around 10k for cover B.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2, 3rd Print

Date of Publication: 1986
Sale number:

Key strengths of this book
1. First cover appearance of April O’Neil


April O’Neal first appear in the first print of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but she doesn’t really appear on the cover until this issue came out. How important is this depends on how you view the April O’Neal character.

She has been a mainstay of the TMNT series and even appeared in all their movies. However, she is still a supporting character without powers so that might limit her appeal.

Personally, I liked this book and will be buying copies of it.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #95 2nd print

Date of Publication: 2019
Sale number: 13,942

Key strengths of this book
1. First appearance of Jennika as Turtle


Jennika is one of the biggest new character introduced in TMNT. Her first appearance as a human is in TMNT #51 but her transformation into a turtle is in #95. Think of #51 as Spider-Man #344 and #95 as Spider-Man #361.

Currently, the market is paying attention to #51 so the community thinks that #95 is pretty undervalued. Featured here is the 2nd print which has a cool cover of Jennika as a Turtle on the cover. This book can be held for less than $10 currently.


The above is what the community recommend in the chats. Hence, this is not a comprehensive listing of all undervalued Turtles comics. In fact, I have a couple in mind that is still worth a purchase at today’s prices.

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