Undervalued Comics #44 – Examining the Value Of Amazing Fantasy Vol 2 #15

Members of Mewe will know I am very optimistic about Amazing Fantasy Vol 2. #15. However, I never did a detailed post explaining the reasons for my optimism. This article aims to repair the oversight.

In summary, I liked this book because there is no other books that contain a key modern character with such low supply.

Below is a cross comparison between all the low print modern books that contain significant first appearance. By low, I refer to books that have under 20,000 sales as reported on Comichron.

IssuesAppearance RatioSupplyPrice in 9.6Price in 9.8
Adam Legend of Blue Marvel #1 (Blue Marvel)917,305$600$1400
Captain Marvel Vol 7, #14 (Kamala Khan)5219,320$250$600
Amazing Fantasy Vol 2, #15 (Amadeus Cho)2013,957$250$600
-Links above are to Ebay. If you buy something, I will get a commission from Ebay as part of its affiliate program. If you want to support my research, using my links to buy from Ebay will be the best way.

The table shows that Amazing Fantasy Vol 2, #15 has the lowest print run and yet is not the highest priced book among the low print run books. On that basis alone, there is already significant room for this book to play catch up.

Next, we need to look at books individually and assess whether the AF #15 book is on the same level or possess qualities that are better than Adam Legend of Blue Marvel #1 and Captain Marvel Vol 7, #14.

Lets first address Captain Marvel Vol 7. #14. If this book is on the same quality as Amazing Fantasy Vol 2, #15, then there is no potential growth. However, AF #15 has one very powerful advantage:

There is no competing book for Amadeus Cho’s first appearance. In contrast, Captain Marvel Vol 7 #14 is not the only book that competes as Kamala Khan’s first book, resulting in diluting of money flow into the book. (Examples of Kamala’s competing books include Captain Marvel Vol 7, #17 2nd print, All New Marvel Point One)

Due to the above, all the funds that want to invest in Cho’s first appearance will go into this book, resulting in a potential higher price relative to CM #14.

Next, let discuss Adam Legend of Blue Marvel #1. This book does not have the competing first appearance problem that CM #14 has. However, Blue Marvel is not as prominent a character as Cho, if we compare their first appearance ratio.

Since Cho has more prominence than Blue Marvel and less lower supply, it is possible that Amazing Fantasy #15 has the potential to break the price ceiling of Blue Marvel #1.

So, putting the arguments together, Amazing Fantasy Vol 2, #15 possess better qualities than the other 2 books, which should propel it beyond their prices.

Another perspective

IssuesAppearance RatioSupplyPrice in 9.6Price in 9.8
Amazing Fantasy Vol 2, #15 (Amadeus Cho)2013,957$250$600
Vengeance #1 (Ms America)1625,837$250$400
-Links above are to Ebay. If you buy something, I will get a commission from Ebay as part of its affiliate program. If you want to support my research, using my links to buy from Ebay will be the best way.

In a final comparison, we can contrast Vengeance #1 and Amazing Fantasy Vol 2, #15. The former has almost twice the supply of the latter, and yet prices are pretty close to each other.

In terms of character appearance, Cho has also made more appearances than Ms America. In other words, Cho is the more prominent character but has not been valued accordingly.

Looking from these 2 angles (supply and character appearance), Amazing Fantasy Vol 2, #15 should be valued at much higher prices than Vengenance #1, which suggest that it is still undervalued.


In summary, the various cross comparisons is telling me that Amazing Fantasy Vol 2, #15 has still room to grow. Its current price run is reaching a trigger point that might send prices beyond Blue Marvel level.

In fact, there is no other modern book whose regular edition has such low print run, with a character that is this prominent.

You can find books with lower prints runs or characters with higher prominence but not both.

3 thoughts on “Undervalued Comics #44 – Examining the Value Of Amazing Fantasy Vol 2 #15

  1. What is holding this book back seems to be no announcement of a D+ or MCU movie. Rumor is Chavez is being cast for Doctor Strange, Blue Marvel will appear in S.W.O.R.D. I think the money right now is chasing those books because they are more imminent. Also the frenzy around Miles and Spider-Gwen is eating up available capital.
    Cho just doesn’t seem to have a high profile right now except as a supporting character. You are right though, now is the time to buy. Keep up the good work!

    1. i have only ever found one near mint plus copy of Cho’s first appearance in a local comic shop at cover price 3 years ago. Very hard to find book. I have seen Blue Marvel and Cap marvel a few times over the years in comic shops but stupidly did not buy Blue Marvel.

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