Undervalued comics #6 – Next Batman Adventures 12: undervalued modern comics to invest now

Arguably, Batman #12 is one of the hottest modern first appearance currently. 9.8 copies of this issue are nearing 2k per pop, compared to just a couple of hundreds before the Harley Quinn movie announcements. Being the undervalued comic investor, my question is always: who is next? I can’t believe that BA #12 will be the last modern book to have this price hike. It might seem ridiculous now to suggest another BA #12 but the same thing was said when this book was affordable years ago.

So, who are the potential candidates in my mind? Read on to find out!


Captain Marvel #17 (2nd print): Ms Marvel first appearance

captain marvel 17 2nd print

One of my most profitable pick last year when it was still a cheap comic to invest in. Currently, it is a USD100+ book in NM and VFNM condition. With such strong price momentum, it doesn’t take much to push it to the next level. In fact, a confirm TV show or movie appearance will immediately sealed its fate as the next BA #12.

One of the reason I am confident is its short supply. It is said this book has only 1000+ copies being printed. That is nothing! BA #12 has more than 150k print run and look at the price it is commanding now. Yes, Harley is more popular than Ms Marvel but is she 150 times more popular? I don’t think so.

With Ms Marvel growing popularity and becoming a member of the Avengers, the conditions are all there for this book to shoot up in price. All it needs now is that bit of hype that comes with a movie or TV show confirmation.

If that happens, 9.8 copies of this book can easily go over 1k with NM copies being at least USD400.  You hear it first. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you 🙂

Check out ebay listing here


NYX #3: X-23 first appearance

nyx 3 x23 first appearance

NYX #3 has been floating around the edges for so long that it seems not to be destined for greatness. This year seems to be her breakout year as she finally wears the Wolverine costume to replace her dad. With her new series coming out in October 2015, this book is on fire. 9.8 are currently selling for USD400+ although it seems to be stalking at that price.

I pick Captain Marvel #17 over this purely down to the supply issue. With 40k print run and 800+ in 9.8 CGC condition, it is not a book that is going to be in short supply, at least relative to Captain Marvel #17. Heck, even BA #12 has only 300+ 9.8 copies available. This supply will slow down the price hike although a major new can easily shatter that barrier.

What news can it be? How about replacing Hugh Jackman as the next Wolverine? If this happens, then get ready for NYX #3 to ascend to BA #12 levels. It might not reach there but 1k for a 9.8 is not out of the question.

If you believe in X-23’s potential, check out her Ebay listings now before they get out of your price range.


Edge of Spiderverse 2 Variant: Spider Gwen first appearance

edge of spider verse 2 variant

One of my biggest regret was selling this book. I thought the heat was only temporary but looks like Spider Gwen will be with us for quite some time. This variant is 1:10 so it puts the total supply at around 3k, which is not a lot.

Currently, it is hard to find any being listed on Ebay. The only copy I found as of this writing is CGC 9.6 SS that is priced at USD800+. This is already near the BA #12 pricing. What will cement it is an actual movie starring our favourite female spider. There are some rumors going around but I suspect that it is still way off the movie schedule.

If, and when it happens, look out for this book to blow up literally.

Check out the limited Ebay listing here.


These are my picks to be the next Batman Adventures #12. What do you think?

13 thoughts on “Undervalued comics #6 – Next Batman Adventures 12: undervalued modern comics to invest now

  1. Great blog. I enjoy it when you post. The BA 12 print run is way smaller than 150 k. I think I read on the cgc boards less than 35 k.. As for captain marvel 17 2nd. Great pick and I think you are right the print run was only 1000 copy’s and most are beat up. Keep up the great work.

    1. If Gwen is really casted, all her copies will rise but the Land variant is the one that will break the bank, IMHO.

  2. Hi I am reading your article a year too late but still took your advice and bought the Spider Gwen Land variant last night on Ebay. It was just under $500 for a 9.8 CGC issue. So clearly, the price for this comic dropped a little since a 9.6 went for much more. There were many other listings of 9.8 copies hovering around the same cost so I felt good about the purchase. I will also take your advice on the x-23, Black Canary, and Harley Quinn books. My last major purchase this year will be The Walking Dead 1 in 9.8. Right now I see the prices on Ebay are hovering anywhere from $2,300 to $3,999 based on the Mature Reader lettering colors. In the long run, do you think value wise, in 20-30 years it will really matter whether the Mature Readers lettering is black or white?

    1. In 20 years time, I don’t think Walking dead can hold its prices well, relative to other comic properties IMHO.

      1. Based on your opinion I have another question: If I only had enough purchasing power to buy either Walking Dead #1 or Batman Adventures #12(and maybe a couple more investment comics), would you recommend Batman Adventures #12 first?

          1. I’d buy BA #12 over Walking Dead #1 all day for long term value. I agree with our host here that TWD books are going nowhere but down (I believe significantly) in the years to come. Ask yourself this, what TV show properties from 20/25 years ago are still relevant today? Buying a TWD #1 right now, at the price it is at now is sheer folly imo.

  3. Hi You may have talked on this point before but I am not aware of your opinion. What is the main book(s) I should collect if I want the first appearance of Silk? My first guess was the ASM#4 Scott Campbell variants with Black Cat on the covers. However, since it’s Black Cat and not Silk on these covers, I am leaning towards the cover where Cindy’s arm is being bit by the spider. Of course Campbell is so collectible anyways, by the time Silk may get a show appearance, the variants may be worth as much as the regular cover regardless. What are your thoughts regarding this..? Thanks

    1. long term, it would be the main character on cover. Yes, JSC is hot now but trends do change over time so I would stick to basic i.e. character on cover.

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