Comic Book Speculation #12 – Midnight Sons Modern Appearance

Regular readers will know that I posted about Midnight Sons first appearance in Ghost Rider #28 a few weeks back. That was the first time that a bunch of supernatural Marvel characters came together under the banner of Midnight Sons.

However, it should be noted that the team never actually called themselves Midnight Sons until Midnight Sons Unlimited #4. Until then, they were called the “Nine”.

While there is no dispute on that, MCU seems to be deviating from that original team to form its version of Midnight Sons.

So far, these are the supernatural characters that we are getting in MCU (either confirmed or rumored)

  • Blade
  • Moon Knight
  • Brother Voodoo
  • Elsa Bloodstone
  • Ghost Rider

Out of the above, only Blade and Ghost Rider were part of the original team.

This created the possibility that the speculation community might search for a more updated Midnight Sons team to speculate on. We have seen how rampant modern speculation can be be so this will be no surprise to me.

Below is what I think is the first appearance of the Modern Midnight Sons team, which featured many of the MCU characters.

Doctor Strange: Damnation #2

Date of Publication: 2018
Sale number: 32,900

Key strengths of this book
1. First appearance of modern Midnight Sons


One important thing to note is that this new team is explicitly named Midnight Sons in the comics. This is important to avoid disputes among comic speculators if they want to argue for other books that have similar team ups.

I acknowledge that there are other groupings of supernatural characters that happen before this book, such as Legion of Monsters Vol 2, Supernatural Avengers etc. However, none of them use the name Midnight Sons and have membership that is this close to what MCU might use.

For this book, there are a couple of covers to choose from. My favorite is the one pictured above but it is not an incentive variant. There is another 1:10 variant but that cover does not feature the team.

The rest of the covers with the team on the cover is pictured below

The last cover on the right features a purple title. I am not sure if it is a second print or just another variant. Either way, the purple title cover has less listings on Ebay than the red colored one, which is the regular edition.

For price comparison, we can look to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, #1 as the benchmark. This book also features the first appearance of the modern Guardians team. It was a $100 book during its peak but has settled down to $50.

Currently, Doctor Strange Damnation #2 is a cover price book so the returns are pretty high if it can hit somewhere near the Guardians of the Galaxy #1 price level.

That is it for this week’s Comic Sunday Speculation. Have a great Sunday!

Editor notes: below was what I started writing before coming to a conclusion that this book might not be a big winner. Instead of scrapping it, I am leaving it here for your reading pleasure.

With She Hulk’s casting news being announced recently, it has inspired me to look for her less well known key. This week’s Comic Sunday Speculation will focus on Sensational She Hulk #15. This contains the first appearance of the Grey She Hulk.

Sensational She Hulk #15

Date of Publication: 1990
Sale number: 185,000

Key strengths of this book
1. First appearance of Grey She Hulk


For those who not read the comics, the Grey She Hulk represents her angry self. In other words, Grey She Hulk is a version of her that is most like the Hulk.

This version of the She Hulk wasn’t much use in the comics until the recent 2017 series (Hulk Vol 4). In this series, much of the story was about Jen Walter’s struggle on how to contain the Grey She Hulk.

I got interested in this book as it is the only other She Hulk book that have some kind of significance besides She Hulk #1. While there are some sexy She Hulk covers that are popular, these issues have no real meat in the story.

To see the potential of such an appearance, I look at her cousin’s other Hulk appearance to see if it is worthy of investment.

IssuesSignificanceSupplyPrices in NM
Sensation She Hulk #15First appearance of Grey She Hulk185,000USD 10
Hulk #324First appearance of Grey Hulk196,000USD 15
Hulk #377First appearance of Professor Hulk200,000USD 15
Incredible Hulk Vol 2, #13First appearance of Immortal Hulk 42,287USD 20
Links above are to Ebay. If you buy something, I will get a commission from Ebay as part of its affiliate program. If you want to support my research, using my links to buy from Ebay will be the best way.

As you can see from the above, the returns are not particularly exciting. Most of the ‘other’ hulk appearances sell for between $15-$20.

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Comic Speculation #23: Dead Girl Key Comics

Welcome to another week of Comic Sunday Speculation where I posted my ‘out there’ speculation ideas. Most of these ideas are long shots, which means low probability of success. However, they are cheap and one hit can pay back for the rest. In this week, I draw inspiration from the newsstand data that I have […]