Marvel Unexplored Film Genres to Find Comics to Speculate (Part 2)

Continuing on the theme of unexplored film genres within the MCU, here are 2 more genres worth thinking about. You can read the first part here.

Sword and Sorcery

With the success of Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, this genre cannot be far away from Marvel Studios’ minds. The recent news of a Captain Britain and Black Knight film in development is a step towards this direction.

There are many untapped gems in this genre that I am currently buying. Avengers 47 and 48 were examples of books that I was stocking up for this genre, which turned out to be quire profitable.

However, there are still books out there that are untapped, depending on how you think this genre might evolve.

Knights and Dragons

One group of books is the Knights of Pendragon. These are characters whose powers comes from the tradition Knights of the Round Table. They will fit in perfectly into the Sword and Sorcery genre.

Most of these characters first appearances can be found in the Knights of Pendragon series. These are dollar bin books so they are cheap to acquire. Interestingly, most the issues I have encountered are all newsstand so they are not particularly hard to find.

Knights of Pendragon #1$1-2First Green Knight18No info
Katherine McClellan22
Knights of Pendragon #8$1-2Albion45No info
Knights of Pendragon #14$1-2Adam Crown23No info
Knights of Pendragon Vol 2, #1$1-2Breeze1751,325
Links above are to Ebay. If you buy something, I will get a commission from Ebay as part of its affiliate program. If you want to support my research, using my links to buy from Ebay will be the best way.

Out of these characters, Albion is the most liked and also has the most comic appearances relative to his peers. The next in line with be Grace, who starred in both volume 1 and 2 of the series.

Another type of sword and sorcery genre can be represented by the Conan types. Marvel has created a number of characters in this genre such as Starr the Slayer, Arkon etc. I am leaving out characters that were adapted such as Conan, whose rights do not belong 100% to Marvel.

Below is a table listing all the Conan clones that belong to Marvel.

Chamber of Darkness #4 (1970)Starr the Slayer1No info
Avengers #75 (1970)Arkon46
Skull, the Slayer #1 (1975)Skull the Slyaer29No info
Links above are to Ebay. If you buy something, I will get a commission from Ebay as part of its affiliate program. If you want to support my research, using my links to buy from Ebay will be the best way.

Personally, I do not think Marvel will make a Conan like movie as it is too one dimensional. Hence, I would not put too much money into these Conan clones.

Weird World

Another segment from the sword and sorcery niche might be more magical based such as those characters from Weird World. This world is especially interesting to explore from a visual design point of view.

In its original incarnation, Weird World was a planet on another dimension. After the events of Secret Wars in 2015, it is now firmly entrenched in the 616 reality.

It is interesting to worth that Black Knight has some adventures in Weird World as well, thus making this location something MCU can use for a sole Black Knight movie.

In this world, there are many interesting characters that have yet to debut in the MCU including Man-Thing, Warbow, Crystal Warriors and Tyndall the Dwarf.

All these would make for a very different film experience from the ones we have seen so far.


Gangsters film is another genre that has not been tapped before. I spoke briefly about this in my article on the best Spider man comic to invest in.

In summary, there is an under belly in the Marvel universe that are filled with gangs fighting for power and control. One of Marvel 2010s event “Shadowland” is essentially such a set up. Daredevil came back to Hell’s Kitchen and organized an all out gang war to keep the city safe.

This whole saga is just a film or TV series waiting to happen and involved all of the Street Heroes including Luke Cage, Iron Fist, White Tiger etc.

Just imagine. A super powered version of God Father will be amazing indeed.

The most famous of these mobsters is of course the Kingpin, who has already appeared in the Netflix shows. However, there are many others who have not appeared.

Below is a list of the more famous mobsters in Marvel.

IssuesPrice (vf)CharacterAppearancesSupply
Daredevil #3 (1964)$300Owl129No Data
Captain America #110 (1969)$120Viper46243,798
Amazing Spider-Man #113 (1972)$30Hammerhead29288,000
Links above are to Ebay. If you buy something, I will get a commission from Ebay as part of its affiliate program. If you want to support my research, using my links to buy from Ebay will be the best way.

Note that some of these mobsters probably belong Sony Pictures so they might not be used.


In this highly speculative post, I took a stab at identifying 2 additional film genres that we have not see in MCU. If you believe that Marvel Studios will want to explore different genres in order to avoid staleness to their movies, it is productive to think of what other genres have Marvel not try yet.

2 thoughts on “Marvel Unexplored Film Genres to Find Comics to Speculate (Part 2)

  1. Gangster movies have been done to death. Weird World is interesting. The UK side of marvel should be investigated, Cap Britain etc. Marvel also needs an adult hyper scary horror side, Marvel Zombies is so wanted by many fans. Lets hope New Mutants movie is the start without the fanfare heavy incedental pointless music all the time

  2. Also The Marvels could be an alternative genre viewed as the layman looking out at the superheroes doing their thing in the background. It is a different perspective. As per the comic series

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