Comic Investment Frameworks

Exploiting Undervalued CGC 9.6 Relative to CGC 9.8
This article explores the relationship of CGC 9.6 in the bronze age relative to what the 9.8s are commanding. In…

Blue Chip Star Wars Key Comics To Invest In
Every comic universe will have its own set of blue chip or mega key comics to own. In this article,…

How to Spot Undervalued 2nd Appearance
I wrote about the value of 2nd appearances 2 years ago, using a set of bronze age blue chip comics…

Profit Margin for Marvel Teams That Need Movies
This article investigates the average price points for Marvel team's first appearance that do not contain the member's first appearances.…
Undervalued Comics
Comic Book Speculation

Comic Speculation #24: Brother Voodoo Key Issue
This is a long term speculation play on where I think Brother Voodoo might end up after Doctor Strange II…

Comic Speculation #23: Dead Girl Key Comics
Welcome to another week of Comic Sunday Speculation where I posted my 'out there' speculation ideas. Most of these ideas…

GI.Joe #1 vs GI.Joe #21: Any undervalued opportunities?
At the request of a Mewe member, I am analyzing GI.Joe #1 vs #21 to identify the investment potential of…

Comic Speculation #22: Killmonger Key Comics
This week's Comic Sunday Speculation is focusing on a character rather than a book, who is Killmonger. It is a…