November 2020 (4th week) Comic Book Sales Charts and Figures

The last week of November saw a pick up in newsstand (published after 1997) units sold, with a total sales of 106 units. Relative to the last 2 weeks which saw sales in the 80+ range, this is a 20% increase. Best of all, almost 50% of the 106 units were sold in the $11 and $30 range, instead of the below $10 range.

  • 25% of newsstand comics sold are sold at $10 and below prices. Dominating this price category is the X-Men relative issues, which took almost 30% market share. Star wars and Spider-Man titles each took up about 10% of the sales here.
  • 46% of newsstand sales are sold between $11 and $30. Star wars took the highest market share here with a 20% dominance. This is followed by Amazing Spider-Man, X-Men and Gambit issues, which took about 10% each.
  • 13% of newsstand sales are sold between $30 and $100. In this price category, Star wars titles again took the lead with a 50% market share of all units sold here. This includes titles such as Star Wars legacy, Dawn of the Jedi and Knights of the Old Republic. The remaining 50% was a mix of titles that have no obvious lead.
  • 15% of newsstand sales are sold above $100. In this week , we have 16 issues selling above the $100 mark. 2 of these manage to hit the 4 digit sales mark.

Below are the top 10 newsstand sales for the week.

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol 2, #1

Copies sold: 1
Average Sales: $2,899

Claiming top spot this week is a sale of a CGC 9.6 Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol 2, #1. This is the book’s 10th entry after its 9th just 2 weeks ago.

This particular sale of $2,899 is probably the highest amount since this book first enter the charts. Previously, most of the sales were for Vf-NM raws that fetched between $60-$150.

Regular CGC 9.6 of this book is selling for $300. This implies a newsstand premium of almost 10x for this sale!

Jedi Mace Windu One Shot

Copies sold: 1
Average Sales: $325

The first appearance of Asajj Ventres continues to heat up on the charts with its 4th entry. This is just after making its 3rd entry 2 weeks ago.

This week’s sale is for VFNM copy. Its selling prices of $325 is in line with Oct’s VFNM sale of $300.

Regular editions of this book has seen some cooling off, with prices around the $100-$120 mark. This means a newsstand premium of around 200% for this sale.

New Avengers #7

Copies sold: 1
Average Sales: $300

New Avengers #7 contains the first appearance of Illuminati, which has been rumored to appear in the MCU. This sale marks the 3rd time the book has appeared in the charts, after an absence of 4 months since July 5th week.

The sale is for a CGC 9.6 and is the highest newsstand sale for this book. The previous sale for a raw VFNM that went for $150.

In comparison to direct edition 9.6, the premium is around 650% as the latter is only selling for $40.

Star Wars Insider #140

Copies sold: 1
Average Sales: $203

You know a character is hot when even her magazine covers are being bought up at expensive prices. This weeks marks the 2nd time this magazine has appeared on the charts, after debuting 2 weeks ago.

This sale of $203 is about 25% higher than the previous sale, which indicates a rising interest.

The direct edition is seeing sales of $100 so there might be a newsstand premium of 100%.

X-Force #116

Copies sold: 1
Average Sales: $199

X-Force #116 makes its 2nd chart this week with a CGC 9.8 sale of $199, after debuting last week. This issue contains quite a number of first appearances but Doop has to be the most popular.

This sale is also its highest newsstand sale as this is the first 9.8 copy that appeared on the charts. However, relative to the direct edition 9.8, which are selling for $150, the premium is a modest 30%. This implies that the newsstand might be undervalued.

Ultimate Fallout #4

Copies sold: 1
Average Sales: $2,050

If you need proof that Miles Morales is hot, look no further that the fact that he has claimed #1 and #2 spot this week. This is the book’s 8th entry and is for a Vf copy only!

The previous 7th entry was also for a VF copy but it went for only $1,280. Just after 2 weeks, the price has went up by almost 80%. This sale is coming close to the CGC 8.0 that sold for $2,700.

A VF raw copy for the direct edition is selling for $250. That means a newsstand premium of 700%!.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2, #36

Copies sold: 1
Average Sales: $310

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2, #36 hits its highest record with this CGC 9. 8 sale of $310. The previous sale was for a CGC 9.6, which went for $158.

This sale marks the book’s third entry. With its all black cover, getting a 9.8 newsstand edition is a lot harder than you think. I wouldn’t be surprised if this 9.8 book continues to rise.

In terms of newsstand premium, it is about 100% as regular 9.8s are selling for $150.

Knights of the Old Republic #42

Copies sold: 2
Average Sales: $299 and $150

Darth Revan put on this famous mask on this issue, resulting in a debate on whether should this issue be consider his full first. Anyway, this book has appeared twice on the charts, with the first just 2 weeks ago. Star Wars fever?

The previous sale of $230 was for a NM copy. This week, the sale was for a VF copy but it sold at an even higher price of $299.

In terms of newsstand premium, it is around 200%.

Deadpool Kills Deadpool #1

Copies sold: 1
Average Sales: $203

The only new entry this weeks comes from Deadpool Kills Deadpool #1. If you have not read this, I suggest you do as it pits 616’s Deadpool against Dreadpool who murdered the entire Marvel universe 12101. Unfortunately, there is no first appearance in this book so the value is questionable.

In comparison, direct editions 9.8 are selling for $50. This means there is a newsstand premium of around 300% for this sale!

Star Wars Tales #23

Copies sold: 2
Average Sales: $150 and $50

The final spot this week is Star Wars Tales #23, which is making its 4th chart entry. Its previous entry was 3 months ago on the 1st week of September.

This week saw 2 copies being sold. One is a raw FVFfor $50 while the other is raw VFNM for $150. These sales represents almost a 100% jump in prices since the last chart entry.

Relative to direct editions which are selling for $80 in VFNM condition, there is almost a 100% newsstand premium being paid.

2 thoughts on “November 2020 (4th week) Comic Book Sales Charts and Figures

  1. The Deadpool vs Deadpool has to be a bogus sale. I don’t even have to look at any of the details. I know because I have the same newsstand in the same grade listed on eBay and I haven’t even received an offer. It was listed at $40 when the bogus one sold. Someone trying to drive up the price on it no doubt. I raised the price just today just in case.

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December 2020 (1st week) Comic Book Sales Charts and Figures

The first week of December manages to maintain the sales volume of previous week with a total of 104 units being sold (last week was 106 units). The purchase were spread pretty nicely over the different price categories instead of lumping under the cheap buys. This is a always an encouraging sign for the growing […]